
Burn Along Blog with Shawntae McCartney

         Burn Along Blog with Shawntae McCartney is about working out Blogs. There will be many different blogs that cover topics in the work out world. Some blogs are short and other blogs are long stories. You can check out other instructors on Burn Along as well as I, when it comes to the different bloggers. Stay tuned for really cool blogs by burn along instructor Shawntae McCartney. Thank you, Shawntae McCartney

Burn Along Driving with Shawntae McCartney

    Driving is a work of its own and most people don't even realize it. You can burn calories in your arms and legs. You can take some of my classes that use your upper body in a driving position. Burn Along driving with Shawntae McCartney is a workout. how you turn the  steering wheel. You can check my burn along instructors page to try some of those video types. Join me Shanwtae McCartney in new videos coming soon that also will covering driving is a work out. Thank you Shawntae McCartney

Burn Along Nose with Shawntae McCartney

          Burn Along's nose with Shawntae McCartney is covered in this class. The nose do not have much muscles around it. The nose is mostly made of cartolage. The breathing passages are the most important more than the actual nose or nose shape itself. The nose is a breathing tool we each have and will focus on keep it clear passageway. Thank you,  Shanwtae McCartney

Burn Along Zen with Shawntae McCartney

        Burn Along Zen with Shawntae McCartney on burn along. There are real Zen gardens witch you can search. Zen also means to relax. It also means to be at peace with yourself. Some of my burn along classes have a Zen feeling. Please head over and join me on more relaxing classes by instructor Shawntae McCartney. Thank you, Shawntae McCartney

Burn Along Healthy Eating Honey with Shawntae McCartney

           I really enjoy the taste of honey and how it feels going down my throat. Burn Along Healthy Eating Honey with Shawntae McCartney. This is a class that covers honey and how to eat honey. There are many ways to enjoy the task of honey. You can get small packs or a jar or even a jumbo jar worth of honey. The skin benefits for the natural honey had to offer. Honey can help heal a common cold along with a hot cup of tea, cafine and non-cafine. Thank you, Shawntae McCartney

Burn Along Healthy Eating Mango with Shawntae McCartney

           There are so many kinds of Mango on the fruit market.  I would eat them all if it was up to me.  Some mangoes are sweet and other mangoes are not so sweet. Burn Along Mango with Shawntae McCartney is a class where we will be eating Mango or at least looking at them. Your whole body will gain from eating mango once in a while in your diet. Stay tuned for new shows on healthy eating on burn along classes.  Thank you, Shawntae McCartney

Burn Along Taking A Nap with Shawntae McCartney

               Burn Along taking a nap with Shawntae McCartney is a blog about taking more than a 5 minute rest. The body really needs a good nap sometime. Nap is needed more then often in order for the body to do it's best. There are so many places you can take a nap or even a good time to do so. Sometimes you have to take your lunch break and use it as a nap time by bringing your lunch already done or ready to microwave for heating. This the time to sit in your car or find a bench you can rest on while doing those kind of of things as in taking a nap. It would be a good time to get some personal time, if not at lest take the time to take a nap. Look for new burn along videos that you can join and take a nap while getting a little sleep. It;s not a stage 4 in the sleep chart of dram levels. Thank you, Shawntae McCartney